Gym Cleaning
If you run a gym or fitness center, hygiene and customer safety are always a major concern. Between sweaty equipment, bacteria in change rooms, and the quality of air in your facility, you need a cleaning crew that’s up to the challenge. With Chadstar Facility services, your facility will reach a whole new level.
Gyms and fitness centers have unique cleaning needs, including challenges few other businesses ever have to deal with. That’s why we specifically train and equip our team for gym cleaning. Our cleaning program includes detailed training on the best ways to clean fitness facilities.
– Our cleaners can safely disinfect any space and any surface. This innovative system wraps treated surfaces in a germ-fighting shield.
– Identify high-risk areas for bacteria and eliminate bacteria in high-touch zones.
– Proper day-to-day care and cleaning of your gym’s floors, including any areas with carpeting, tile, rubber, concrete, or stone flooring.
We charge 35AUD per hour (GST excluded). The charge is based upon the frequency of cleanings and number of services per month.